The Not-So-Empty Nest
Guest post by Stephanie Rodda Our seven children are all in their twenties. We have eight preschool grandchildren. Apparently, we are never going to experience the “empty-nest syndrome.” A decade…
Guest post by Stephanie Rodda Our seven children are all in their twenties. We have eight preschool grandchildren. Apparently, we are never going to experience the “empty-nest syndrome.” A decade…
The first time my husband and I cleaned out my mother-in-law’s home in preparation for a move, we found books in the most unlikely places—stuffed into cabinets, the top of…
Guest post by Joan Borton My husband, who already had a disability, broke both his femurs in an accident. Surgery was required to implant rods. When we settled into his…
On my Instagram reels, I’ve often made recommendations for books that might help caregivers. One day, a follower messaged me and asked if I could recommend a book for the…
Guest post by Barbara Ragsdale Night didn’t settle softly that late January evening. It banged and clattered in a chaotic frenzy. It shuttered and shivered from the cold. It breathed…
My friend Wanda has cared for her adult son for many years. Injured in a horrendous car accident, Donald barely survived and has severe disabilities. Yet he is the picture…