My friend Wanda has cared for her adult son for many years. Injured in a horrendous car accident, Donald barely survived and has severe disabilities. Yet he is the picture of joy in Jesus. I love to watch his face whenever the gospel is preached as he worships without restraint.*
After one Sunday morning service, Donald’s mom was less than joyful. Our pastor had just preached a message on serving in the church and then passed out a list of areas where we could sign up to help.
With tears in her eyes, Wanda turned to me and said, “I want to serve, but…” She inclined her head toward Donald. “I just can’t.”
“You are serving,” I said. “You take care of Donald, and he spreads the gospel wherever he goes.”
Her face brightened. “Yes! People gravitate to him. He tells everyone he meets about Jesus.”
“He couldn’t do that if you didn’t take care of him. Those who serve in the background sometimes serve the most.”
She grabbed my hand. “Thank you for saying that! I needed to hear it.”
Caregiving can be all-consuming. We think because we’re not visibly serving the church, we’re not fulfilling a need. But caregiving may be one of the most important acts of service we can do. God knows our hearts, even when we’re serving in the background.
God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him
as you have helped his people and continue to help them.
Hebrews 6:10 NIV
*My book, Health, Healing, and Wholeness: Devotions of Hope in the Midst of Illness includes a devotion about Donald entitled “Bubbling Over with Joy.”
Someone shared a similar message with me when my children were small and I felt as if I spent all my time in the nursery. We serve where we’re needed. Thanks for this timely reminder.
I wholeheartedly believe that is a huge service, Stephanie. We couldn’t do without our nursery workers.
I am so thankful you posted this. Sometimes, I battle guilt in this area. It’s good to have a reminder that saying no to public serving opportunities DOES mean I am leaving the proper space for private serving. Thank you, sweet friend!
Absolutely, Kristy! God sees and knows our hearts. I believe service is service to Him.
Thank you for a timely reminder, Tracy. Blessings.
Thank you for reading, Diana!